
Hear firsthand from those who have worked with Will. From his innovative solutions to his personal characteristics, discover how Will has impacted those around him.
I would be happy to work with Will again in the future.
William is that guy that applies constant retrospection and vigilance on the efforts of the the team and the greater organisation as a whole - "Are we approaching this in the best possible way?", "Is this going to result in the best possible outcome?", "Does this line up with the other objectives the company has planned?"
Will's dedication to creating the best possible solution is something to depend on. He will thoroughly think through all the possible execution paths and he will have considered all the potentially obscure dependencies down stream. He will put in the effort to get things over the line and if Will says something is done, you can bet the house on it being done. Completedness was one of Will's appreciated features during his time at Archax.
I would definitely be happy to work with Will again in the future, and would recommend you take him on as well.
(VP, Snr Frontend/Full Stack, Architect, DevOps, Polyglot)
I would work with Will on another project anytime.
We worked in a new team from its formation and all the way to its maturity. We were all new recruits and the pain of the learning curve was rather serious. He increased our productivity by having zero tolerance on ambiguity of any kind. This helped the more junior members of the team whom would have otherwise fallen victim to the compliance bias rise up and follow his lead.
He also brought a lot of structure and clarity to the product, improving specific documentation and frequently sharing it with the team both formally and non-formally. He did the same with various new ways of working which increased productivity.
He was one of the two A players of the team.
(Senior Full-Stack Developer)